
공지사항 게시판
번호 제목 등록일 조회수
154 Does the Removal of Retained Staples Really Improve Postoperative Chronic Sequelae After Transanal Stapled Operations? [2014.05.DCR] 2014-05-09 5905
153 Fecal Continence Revisited: The Anal External Sphincter Continence Reflex [2013.11.DCR] 2013-12-17 6188
152 Assessment of Female Patients With Rectal Intussusception and Prolapse: Is This a Progressive Spectrum of Disease? [DCR 2013.06] 2013-12-05 8542
151 Preliminary Results of Sacral Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation for Fecal Incontinence [2013.03 DCR] 2013-10-19 6718
150 Bilateral Transcutaneous Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation for the Treatment of Fecal Incontinence [2013.09.DCR] 2013-10-18 10861
149 Long-term Follow-up of the Jinling Procedure for Combined Slow-Transit Constipation and Obstructive Defecation [DCR 2013.01] 2013-09-07 12055
148 To LIFT or to Flap? Which Surgery to Perform Following Seton Insertion for High Anal Fistula? [DCR 2012.12] 2013-08-10 5367
147 Fistulotomy With End-To-End Primary Sphincteroplasty for Anal Fistula: Results From a Prospective Study [2013.02.DCR] 2013-07-20 7328
146 Stapled Transanal Rectal Resection With Contour Transtar for Obstructed Defecation Syndrome: Lessons Learned After More Than 3 Years of Single-Center Activity [DCR.2013.01] 2013-07-17 11264
145 Electrical Stimulation of Anal Sphincter or Pudendal Nerve Improves Anal Sphincter Pressure[2012.12 DCR] 2013-07-17 7805
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